Monday, February 21, 2022

Alternatives to Plastics

I recently watched a movie called The Story of Plastic.

This got me thinking about my life, and just how very much plastic is involved in my shopping life. Covid made this even worse, having so many things delivered instead of just going to the store myself.

Though I can wish that large companies like Amazon were required by law to use environmentally conscientious packing wherever possible, I can at least be happy when companies such as Amazon sell environmentally friendly products... And Amazon has used recyclable padded bags.

I found many alternatives to plastic on Amazon. For example, Eco Grocery Bags and Bio Bags
I found a whole site dedicated to alternatives to plastic bags, biodegradable equivalents called Good Start Packing.  I see a few products I will be switching to, like biodegradable, quart-sized ziplock-like bags.

This post will be continued... it is just a start.

I will last post a page that has a few different films about plastics and other information. It is called