Sunday, September 19, 2021

Click to Donate - Free Way to Help the World

 This is a list of sites found online. Just clicking (usually a button or image, clearly marked) donates funds to the charity.  These donations are paid for by advertisers and sponsors.
It is from the numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
Robert Kennedy
Some sites require cookies to be enabled. I have marked them with:
(C) - Sites that may need, or definitely need cookies enabled to work.
Below these click to donate links are a variety of petition links

Help Poverty
Polish Hunger Site
(C)The Hunger Site (may require cookies)
Donate Bread(Click Loaf)
 Feed Veterans (may require cookies)

Feed Hungry in Brazil 

(C) Click for Children - scroll to middle of page (requires cookies)
(C)Hunger - scroll to middle of page (requires cookies)

Fund a Scholarship (click chest) (may be inactive)

Help Ocean  
Forest Watch
(C)The Rainforest Site
(C) Help Forest
Solar Energy (may not be working)
Clean Your Country (may not be working)
Plant an OAK Tree (may not be working)

(C)Animal Rescue Site(May require cookies)
Help Animals
Animal Web Action - Donate Blankets to Animals Clicanimaux Help Cats
Clicanimaux Help Ducks / Geese
Grouped Charities

Petitions & Legislation

The Big Cat Public Safety Act is a federal bill that would address two of the biggest sources of abuse of big cats by ending owning big cats as pets and stopping exploitative roadside zoos from offering cub petting and photo ops. Big cats purchased as pets are dangerous and typically end up living in inhumane conditions. Cubs used for petting and photos are ripped from their mothers at birth, physically punished to diminish their natural behaviors, deprived of sleep, then often discarded a few months later when they are two big to pet, with no tracking of what happens to them or how many die

Wild animals used in circuses spend their lives in cramped cages, forced to perform unnatural and sometimes painful tricks, day in and day out. These animals endure constant stress and are denied the opportunity to engage in natural behaviors. Wild animals have complex behavioral, physical, and emotional needs that cannot be satisfied by traveling shows designed for human entertainment.

The Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA) amends the Animal Welfare Act to end the use of wild animals in traveling shows, like circuses, with limited exceptions for certain entities such as accredited zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, and rodeos.

The Animal Legal Defense Fund works at the state and local levels to advance important legislation. We advocate for laws that promote or protect the lives and interests of animals, and we oppose legislation that would be detrimental to animals’ well-being.

We also work closely with the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s other programs to identify opportunities to create model legislation that address strategic legal issues in the areas of civil and criminal law, and monitor legislation that impacts animals at the federal, state, and local levels

Support making ECOCIDE an International Crime
Mass damage and destruction of ecosystems (ECOCIDE), committed repeatedly over decades and permitted by law, has led to global climate and ecological crisis. Treaties, agreements and civil lawsuits have all failed to prevent this.
"We call on all governments to declare support for making ecocide an  international crime, in the knowledge that many countries must stand together to put this law in place for the long-term protection of all life on Earth."

Get 'Forever Chemicals' Out Of Bottled Water! by Consumer Reports
Forty-three of the 47 bottled waters Consumer Reports tested had detectable levels of PFAS. These chemicals have been linked to cancer, birth defects, and other serious health problems in people with prolonged exposure. The EPA has refused to set limits on these 'forever chemicals,' but that shouldn't stop the bottled water industry from getting them out of the water they sell.
(Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are very stable manmade chemicals that can lead to toxicity and health issues)
(closed petition)
(Requires Sign In and Cookies)
This page leads to a page with petitions, including "Save Marine Life From Single-Use Plastics," " Tell Amazon: Give Me a Plastic Free Packaging Choice" & others.
Factory Farming Is Killing the Planet, Our Health, and Our Commitment to Humane Animal Treatment. Ban Factory Farms Now!
Laws called “ag-gag” or agriculture gag laws make it illegal for people to film inside factory farms and expose the brutality these animals experience every day. That’s the biggest reason we don’t know the full extent of how much farm animals are suffering.
If you think laws preventing the exposure of animal abuse need to go, visit  The Humane Society of The United States to find out how you can help end them.
(Requires Sign In and Cookies)
The bill (SB 1350), which was just introduced by Senator Mike Gabbard, would ban the manufacture and sale of certain fur products in the state, in addition to banning the import of fur products for sale or distribution. 
(Requires Sign In and Cookies)
...there is hope!  An article here talks of how pets are being considered more as children than mere property in divorces. This upgrade in their legal classification actually gives pets more protections. Now we just need to get all states to make this change! There is no question that this change just makes sense. Animals are not objects, they are living beings and they are a part of our families.  

Vendors are sealing turtles, fish and small amphibious animals into plastic bags and selling them as keychain and mobile phone trinkets. The trinkets are supposed to bring good luck, but clearly bring only bad luck to the trapped animals.

The animals can survive for days in the bag, but eventually suffocate or starve to death.

Read more at this link. 

Craigslist: Stop Putting Animals At Risk! Sign the petition

Craigslist claims the sale of animals on its platform is illegal, but there is a loophole that allows anyone to post an animal for a re-homing fee.

Unscrupulous buyers are acquiring these free animals to act as bait in dog fights, while others look for free smaller animals, like mice or rabbits, as free food for their pet snakes.

Those looking to care for a new pet are also being scammed, given sickly animals that soon die.

Sign the petition and demand Craigslist change its terms of use and ban the buying, selling, and giving away of animals on their site.

Read the article The Sad Truth About Free Pets On Craigslist (article link)

Ban Cat Declawing in Canada -

Declawing is already banned in the following US cities: Berkeley, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Santa Monica. Malibu condemned the practice in a resolution, but did not legally ban the practice.

Declawing is already banned in the following countries: England, Scotland, Wales, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand.

Stop Cat Declawing in California

Californians concerned about the welfare of animals thank California Senator Henry Stern for introducing legislation, SB 585, which would prohibit the unnecessary and harmful practice of declawing in California. The Paw Project sponsors and supports anti-declaw legislation in California and in several other states and provinces.

Many Petitions for Animals - Lady Free Thinker

These Charities (repeated from above) have been checked and either have excellent ratings, or when ratings are not available (usually due to being from another country) research validated the use of the click to donate funds.

Help Poverty
(C)The Hunger Site (may require cookies)
 Feed Veterans (may require cookies)

Help Ocean 
(C)The Rainforest Site
(C)Animal Rescue Site(May require cookies)
Help Animals
Animal Web Action - Donate Blankets to Animals Clicanimaux Help Cats
Clicanimaux Help Ducks / Geese



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